Dress For Your Skin Tone Chart – 2024 Easy Answer

So many people google “Dress For Your Skin Tone Chart”. Do you know the best colors for your skin tone?

Dress For Your Skin Tone Chart

Here’s a big one that most people don’t know. White vs ivory. I occasionally wear ivory, but it has to be very specific (interesting texture, cool graphic tee, etc.) But I definitely look better in white!

Dress For Your Skin Tone Chart
Why It’s Critical

Tibi Sid Jeans

I recently did a presentation on dressing and feeling your best. When I asked the audience how many people knew their best colors, only a few hands shot up. This surprised me so much because I truly thought this was common knowledge!

The first thing I consider when buying pretty much anything is color. This is because we not only look but also feel our best when we wear the colors (and tones) that suit us most.

The next thing I consider is what styles best suit my body type, but that’s a future post (stay tuned)!

Dress For Your Skin Tone Chart
Why It Saves You Money

Naked Cashmere Tulip

Do you have items in your closet that you love, but when you put them on you just don’t feel great? So you hang it back up and repeat the process ten more times before you decide that maybe you made a bad purchase?

We’ve all done it, of course, but most people can’t identify why it was a bad purchase, and then go on to make the same mistake again and again.

All I think of is the money I’ve lost when making these bad purchases.

I can definitely say that when I wear the right colors for my skin tone, I light up. There’s a huge difference in both how I look and how I feel. And when you know your best colors, you can shop with purpose, only buying the colors you know look fabulous.

I absolutely adore the brown sweater in the picture above. The style and material is perfection (thank you Naked Cashmere) and the brown color is a really beautiful heathered brown. But when I wore it, I didn’t feel how I thought I should.

Turns out brown is one of the colors least flattering for me (orange also). In this case, I still love the sweater, but now I know why I don’t feel as vivacious when I wear it! Wearing sunglasses helps. Knowledge is power, yes!

Dress For Your Skin Tone Chart
Not Just Cool Vs Warm

I’ve long known I had cool skin (thanks to a fun teacher in high school), but I didn’t know there was so much more to it than just warm vs cool.

As a fashion blogger and personal stylist, I decided I needed to learn everything about this subject that I could. Who was I to give advice to others, if I didn’t know the subject inside and out?

Years ago, I found Color Guru, and I decided to purchase the service for myself, to see what I could learn. Turns out, a lot! I had mostly been buying colors for my cool skin (notice I said mostly, haha). But gosh that just scratches the surface.

My Color Guru report included a section on Light Vs Deep. Blue has been one of my favorite colors to wear forever, but I hadn’t recognized that some blues look much better on me than others.

You can’t tell by looking at these two photos, but I felt dramatically different in these two pieces. One of them I wore exactly once (first photo) and the other (second photo) I’ve worn countless times (and still hangs in my closet at probably five years old)!

When I got my report back from Color Guru, this section on Light vs Deep Colors was included. Aha! What a light bulb moment for me. I have long loved and purchased jewel toned clothing, but typically they sat in my closet unworn. And I had no clue as to why!

And that’s not to say I can’t or don’t wear any deep colors, because that’s simply not true.

Like in photography, it’s important to know the rules and when you want to break them. When you know the color rules for yourself, you can identify if you want to “break those rules” or not.

For example, if the deep blue top, above, had been in a different style, I might have loved it, but it just didn’t feel right. The style was too basic to overcome the color issue. It’s those feelings you have to learn to pay attention to. Trust your gut.

What Color Suits My Skin Tone : Light Vs Deep

Dress For Your Skin Tone Chart
Reviews From Others

I cannot tell you how many people I’ve referred to Color Guru’s service, and all of those have reported it as being life changing. Yes that seems dramatic, but imagine not knowing your best colors and then always being frustrated with not finding clothes you love or buying all the wrong things.

This is one dear friend’s cautionary tale. I will call her Jennifer, to protect her identity, ha!

Jennifer often complained she could never find clothes for herself. And when she bought stuff, she usually ended up returning them. After much discussion, she decided to try Color Guru and then I promised I would help her shop, based on the report!

She submitted her pictures plus a quick questionnaire and within a few days, her full report came back. Turns out she had been shopping for all the wrong colors. She had been looking for mostly cool clothing, including white over ivory. No wonder she never felt quite right!

As promised, I took her shopping with this color chart in hand, and she ended up buying a bunch of pieces she loved. This is the magic in shopping for the best colors for YOU.

Calm Autumn Color Guru


Dress For Your Skin Tone Chart
Color Guru

I am certain there are many great color services out there. I was drawn to trying Color Guru for a couple reasons.

1. I wanted a service that I could refer to my friends, clients, and blog readers. This meant online. If you are someone who would rather have this done in-person, search for a service local to you. One of my neighbors had a lengthy session with a local company (I want to say 3 hours) and she said she got a lot out of it. Just depends on your wants and needs!

2. I needed to see the results for myself. I only recommend something I have tried and truly believe in. I purchased my own report first, to make sure the product was good. At that point, I applied to become an affiliate. That means if you use my private code – DENIM10 – you will receive 10% off all purchased services. I will also get a small commission from your purchase, at no cost to you!

3. Color Guru is active on social media. I follow them on Instagram and I love how they are constantly sharing great information to remind us to shop smarter!

They currently have three packages to choose from. When I first did my session, I bought The Essential plus makeup card. If I were to do it now, I would purchase The Plus which includes both a makeup and hair color consult. At the time, the hair consult wasn’t an option, but I think it is a brilliant addition. I plan to try out the hair consultation and I promise to report back on the results. As someone who regularly colors and highlights her hair, I think it’s so valuable knowing what colors are going to work best for me!

After all, we are spending our hard earned money on clothing, hair, and makeup. Shouldn’t we make sure we are buying the best colors, making us feel our most fabulous selves?!

Color Guru Services

Want more information? Check out Color Guru’s site here. And if you have more questions for me, I’m happy to share. Dress for your skin tone chart is a subject I’m very passionate about. But let’s face it, one size does not fit all!

Don’t forget to use the promo code DENIM10 for 10% off your entire purchase price. And please, if you try out Color Guru, report back!

x Tammy

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What Color Suits My Skin Tone
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