A Celebration of Pride Month!

A celebration of Pride Week 2021

Left to right: John, Marc, Me!

A lot of us probably don’t understand why Pride Month is SUCH a big deal. And there’s so very much I still don’t know, but I hope to keep learning and listening and being a support and ally.

This story is about Marc and John and TJ and Otis (their fur babies). It’s a video series of our conversation about pride month and what it means to them. I will be posting a new video a couple times a week, and afterwards, we will get together again to film them answering all your questions!

How We Met and Became BFFs

We moved into our house seven years ago, and the very first person that came to welcome us to the neighborhood was Marc…about 30 minutes after the moving truck arrived!

I had no idea at the time what he and John would become to our family — that they would not only become some of the very best friends we’ve ever had, but actually family.

A celebration of Pride Week 2021

Right next door, we spend a lot of time together. Together we’ve celebrated birthdays, 4th of July, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas — you name it. And that’s so special because all of our families live far away. Which means we became each other’s family.

A celebration of Pride Week 2021

Even though Marc is blind, he does most of the cooking (John is the grillmaster though!) — something he loves and is very good at.

San Diego Center For The Blind

Marc has also been taking classes at San Diego Center for the Blind for several years, and it’s helped him to adapt in all areas of his life, including his kitchen. Honestly, he can do more in the kitchen blind, than I can with full sight! Let’s just say I love it when we have dinner with them!

A celebration of Pride Week 2021

Always the blind one leading the rest of us, haha! They are having outdoor renovations done to allow for more entertaining space (their favorite thing) and to also provide a safer environment for their sweet dog, Otis.

A celebration of Pride Week 2021

Otis Becomes Paralyzed

Three months ago, four year old Otis woke up totally paralyzed in the back half of his body. They immediately took him to a Neurologist whose prognosis wasn’t good and who talked about euthanasia. Not considering it for one second, they brought Otis home and started down the road of caring for a special needs dog.

I contacted my incredible dog trainer for advice, and she referred them to a holistic animal doctor who started using acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, and laser therapy, and within weeks of treatment, he started showing signs of improvement. Three months later and his transformation is what I would call miraculous.

Considering who his dads are, I shouldn’t be too surprised.

My guys — love them so very much!

John has big responsibilities in taking care of all of them while also running his own real estate firm. I couldn’t be more proud of what he does and who he is. (And if you are in San Diego and need help with real estate, these are your guys, I promise!)

A celebration of Pride Week 2021

I’m so grateful to have these incredible guys in my life. Not only that, but they’ve always been family and mentor to my children and all of our lives are so much richer for it. I honestly don’t know what I would do without them!

A celebration of Pride Week 2021

And can’t forget our fearless photographer / videographer / my husband. My three guys…and TJ too (sorry TJ, you’ve been neglected a bit here!) Am I a lucky girl or what?!

A celebration of Pride Week 2021

John, Marc, Evan (TJ down below!)

Their Intimate Story in Their Own Words

A Celebration of Pride Month: Marc & John’s intimate story (Introduction and Part 1)

I will upload the rest of the discussion twice weekly .

My goal in doing this project was simply to give Marc and John a voice to tell their story. And if that touches even one person, then it was worth it.

Don’t ever be afraid to show off your true colors!
xo Tammy

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