Wearing a trench coat with my Frank & Eileen white button down, wide legged jeans, and a trench coat.

Invest In Quality Basics – Always Have Something To Wear

Two key themes that you will see repeated on our blog are…

  1. Invest in QUALITY pieces that you love, and wear the heck out of them…for years. In the long run, it’s better for your bank account (and the environment).
  2. Good BASICS are the key to an amazing wardrobe. If you have great basics to build on – you will always have something to wear.

The outfit that I’m wearing today is the perfect example of both of these things…I’ve had every piece that I’m wearing for multiple years –  and will have for years to come. In addition, it’s basic pieces that everyone should have in their closet…

If I’m being honest, the excess involved in this blog gig will be the hardest part for me…I’m a minimalist at heart – and too much stuff (clothes included) makes me anxious. So while we will always be trying new and exciting things, we will also rely on our go-to investment pieces that may or may not be available. We hope you guys understand, and we will link the best alternatives.

**Also, a quick note – one of my all-time favorite looks is a simple white button-down with necklaces piled on… It’s effortless, chic and sexy. I’m wearing my favorite Marla Aaron pieces that I have been collecting for years now – but any necklaces work!

Frank & Eileen white button down (exact)

Frank & Eileen white button down (similar)

Jeans (similar)
**I have been eying these jeans for ages and just ordered them to try. I’m so intrigued by this brand  – they look amazing AND have a strong commitment to sustainability (see here).

Bag (similar) – LOVE the shape of this one


Trench  – mine is old, but this one makes me swoon!

Piled on necklaces – Marla Aaron





Everyday Edge

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