This is us – Denim Is the New Black, Tammy & Rachel…
People often assume we’ve known each other for years…that we must go way back. The truth is we met just barely over a year ago…online…in another blogger’s insiders’ group. We had similar style, we chatted, we hit it off, and we decided to start a blog.
Because…WHY NOT!
We feel very confident in our style now, but that hasn’t always been the case. We both got lost in Mom-ing and life. Tammy homeschooling while her Marine husband was often overseas. Rachel keeping up with three kids (all born within 4 years) while her husband worked long hours and was often traveling as well.
Those were beautiful years, don’t get us wrong. But it’s scary to look in the mirror and not recognize yourself. To not feel your best. To look blankly in your closet and have no idea what to wear. It shakes you a bit.
Slowly but surely we invested in ourselves. We learned our style and what felt good. And at 43 and almost 50, we are more confident than ever before. We feel good, and we are ready to rock this second half of life.
That’s why we’re here. We love shopping and clothes, but it goes way deeper than that.
Denim Is the New Black
Rachel & Tammy
Tammy’s Outfit
(Jeans – on sale!, Tank – same style, updated colors)

Rachel’s Outfit
(Dress – wearing Small)
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