Paws4Peace Dog Sling – For the Pups that Like to Stay Close

The Paws4Peace dog sling allows you to keep your dog close to your heart. Paws4Peace is the dogwear boutique with a purpose. It is a movement to inspire, promote peace, and aid in the fight against animal abuse. They are all about raising awareness through fashion, one tiny paw print at a time.

June 25, 2018, my life forever changed when we picked up our first dog, Ollie. He was a 7 month old toy poodle, and I had never had a dog, nor been a dog person. Driving this little guy home, he looked into my eyes (and deep into my soul) and the rest is history.

I’ve since discovered that like humans, all dogs have wildly different personalities. Ollie has the sweetest, most gentle heart, but he’s also a shy and cautious guy, and while he does enjoy being outside and walking, he does not enjoy the act of walking away from home. He’s my little homebody (and also a big-time mama’s boy)!

Early on, we discovered the Paws4Peace dog sling, and it has been a lifesaver. I sling him while we walk away from home, and when the time is right, I put him down (with his leash and harness) and he walks the rest of the way home. He feels safe and secure, and also gets the exercise he needs.

White with navy polka dots (my exact sling)

Black and white stripes (very chic, even for husbands)

Faux fur (I think I need this for the cold months!)

All the available slings


Everyday Edge